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T-Mobile Touch pro2

T-Mobile customers with the Touch Pro2 and Dash 3G. Simply visit the T-Mobile downloads page and enter your Touch Pro2/Dash 3G IMEI number to get the download. I believe this is a version of the first WM 6.5 update and not the MUCH better Windows Mobile 6.5.3 update I showed you this week. I already have a version of 6.5.3 on my Touch Pro2 (thanks to XDA-Developers) so I am not planning to install this update.

T-Mobile has always been good about providing official updates for their Windows Mobile offerings so it is great to see this one available now. T-Mobile owners should see better stability, a better Internet Explorer Mobile experience, and more. Dash 3G owners will not see much different visually since the sliding panels/Today interface has been on WM Standard devices for a while.:courtesy:zdnet:
