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Improve Gmail Spam Filter Performance

Gmail is one of the best mail services but there are occasions when our known and trusted email moves to the Spam folder, then what should we do at this stage just move it to the inbox or something else?

Always the auto generated emails move to the Spam folder but this does not mean that all the mails generated automatically are spam, so performing the following steps will improve the performance of the Spam filter.

Increase the Performace of Email Spam Filter

. If mail in the Spam folder is not spam then click “Not Spam” that not only moves the mail back to the inbox but also intimates the Gmail spam filter that the source was genuine and watch out for it next time.

. Further any mail coming from the same source will directly move to the Inbox next time.

. Adding the sender’s contact to the address book/contact list ensures that the mail move to the inbox next time.

. Gmail always deliver messages from members of your Contacts list to your inbox.

. Above email tips are not only for Gmail but also for other emails like yahoo mail, thunderbird email client, microsoft outlook express email client, IBM lotus email client etc.

USB Drive Letter Manager

The USB Drive Letter Manager is a free tool that runs as a service in the background and does all the work of handling the drive letters for the USB devices and there is no need to give the users the privilege to change drive letters.

Though it do not create any problems while operating but it would have been better if the drive gets a unique and same name each time it gets connected. It had happened several times that USB Pen Drive gets a different volume name every time connect it to the computer.

However, if required, you can change the letter assignments in the Windows Disk Management Console. It also reserves letters so that they are not used by any device by placing an ini file in the device’s root directory.

Steriod Abuse | Teenagers | Drug Addiction

Steroid abuse is a growing health problem for teenage boys who are under increasing pressure to look good.

It is illegal to supply steroids in the UK but not to buy them. But the internet makes it relatively easy for young people to buy body building drugs. BBC Inside Out found that many young boys trying to enhance their physique are exceeding the recommended dose of steroids to get faster results.

Steroid abuse can lead to serious side effects including mood swings, development of male breast tissue, shrinking of the testes, impotence and high blood pressure. If steroids are taken for a long time there can also be damage to the heart and liver.

Seventeen-year-old Matthew Dear paid the ultimate price for steroid misuse. He started taking a course of steroids in March 2009 to boost his body size.

Matthew increased his use of steroids from one tablet to four tablets a day - and began to feel ill.
Four weeks after he started taking the steroids, Matthew died. The cause of death was given as the misuse of anabolic steroids. :source:bbc:

unethical Weight Loss | Obesity Surgery

Access to NHS weight loss surgery is "inconsistent and unethical" with some obese patients effectively being made to eat more to get an operation, doctors' leaders have said.
The Royal College of Surgeons (RSC) said NHS funding constraints meant some patients who already qualify for operations are being forced to wait until they are more obese or develop life-threatening illnesses such as diabetes.

It has calculated that out of around 240,000 people requiring weight-loss surgery, only 4,300 - or 2% - had operations carried out last year. The college also said that approximately two thirds of surgeons saw patients eligible under national medical guidelines being refused surgery in their centres.

Under NHS rules, morbidly obese patients - those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more - have a right to be assessed for weight loss surgery.
The RCS said while some health trusts observe the guidelines, others stipulate that only the most extremely ill patients - those with a BMI of 50 or 60 with obesity-related illness - are referred for surgery.

RCS education director Professor Mike Larvin said: "National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines are meant to signal the end of postcode lotteries, yet local commissioning groups are choosing not to deliver on obesity surgery.:source:thislondon:

Microsoft Internet Explorer IE8 Cyber Attack Security Flaw

The government has issued an alert to civil servants, advising them how to mitigate the risk of a widely publicised flaw in Internet Explorer.

The Cabinet Office on Wednesday urged government departments to use workarounds outlined in a Microsoft advisory on the flaw, as there is no patch available. The software maker is telling customers using IE6 and IE7 to update to the more robust IE8 amid recommendations from security organisations that users switch to another browser until the problem is fixed.

Microsoft has promised an out-of-band patch for the invalid pointer reference issue in Internet Explorer. The flaw, which was exploited by Chinese hacks against Google, has had major repercussions in Google's relationship with the Chinese authorities.

Avaya Nortel integration

The communications firm, which bought Nortel Enterprise Solutions in September 2009, said on Tuesday that some Nortel products would be discontinued, while some would replace existing Avaya products. Over time, Nortel's existing customers are to be migrated onto Avaya's SIP-based Aura platform, Avaya said.

In six months' time, Nortel Dialer, the 5300 model application server and the 'm' version of the CS1K communications server will no longer be made or sold. The Nortel CC7 contact-centre platform will replace Avaya's Contact Centre Express. All of the four products that are to be discontinued will continue to be supported by Avaya for the next six years.

Nortel's Agile Communication Environment (ACE) unified communications software will be "glued into Aura", Baratz said. He also indicated that Nortel's security and Ethernet products would see further investment from Avaya and deeper integration into Avaya's unified communications and contact-centre products. Nortel went bankrupt at the start of 2009, prompting a sell-off of its various units.:source:zdnet:

Body scanners in UK airports

The UK is to institute body scanners at its airports from next week, Gordon Brown has announced.

The prime minister told Parliament on Wednesday that, in the wake of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's alleged attempt to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 above Detroit on Christmas Day, a no-fly list would also be instituted.
The government has previously said it wants body scanners at airports, but had not previously said when this would be instituted. The devices have come under fire from some privacy campaigners, as they effectively allow passengers to be viewed naked by security personnel.
Brown also announced on Wednesday that direct flights between the UK and Yemen — where Abdulmutallab said he had been given the bomb — have been suspended.:source:zdnet:

HP 3D printer market with Stratasys deal

HP, one of the biggest names in printing, is dipping into the 3D printer market through a deal with Minneapolis-based Stratasys, the companies said on Tuesday.
3D printers let people create three-dimensional models out of designs created on a computer, constructing the model by either removing material from a block or by building it up gradually from another material. Stratasys will manufacture an HP-branded 3D printer set for release later this year. Stratasys's least pricey 3D printer: the $14,900 uPrint 3D

The least expensive Stratasys model, the uPrint 3D, which is small enough to sit on a desk and can make an object measuring a maximum of 8in x 6in x 6in, costs $14,900 (£9,100). The company's printers use a technology called FDM (fused deposition modelling) that gradually builds up a shape layer by layer out of a material called thermoplastic that turns liquid when heated.

Apple Security patches for Mac OS X

Apple has released six patches for Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server, including one for a zero-day flaw that could allow a hacker to hijack a web-browsing session.

The zero-day vulnerability, which was made public in November 2009, lies in an authentication gap in TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption protocols, Apple said in an advisory on Tuesday.

TLS and SSL protocols, commonly used by banks and online retailers to protect transactions, use a series of 'handshakes' to negotiate the session between the server and the client. As the protocols allow renegotiation of the session, an intruder can insert code undetected. The protocol-level breach could allow the attacker to take over a browser session and successfully impersonate the user, in what is known as a man-in-the-middle, or MITM, attack.

Another fix addresses an buffer-overflow issue in CoreAudio. If a user plays a malicious MP4 audio file, it could crash the application or allow an outsider to run code on the affected machine, according to the advisory.

The patch bundle, which is available via Apple's software updates or its download site, also includes a fix for an issue in component-level Cupsd that could be used to create a denial-of-service attack.

Identity Management

The challenge of adopting multitudes of innovative 2.0 and mobile applications is that they may make you more efficient as an individual but scaling use to multiple people can be very challenging. An example might be Tungle, the slick lightweight scheduling software that works across browser and iphone.

Like many 2.0 offerings, for scheduling small groups Tungle is a wonderous thing. you can daisy chain Tungle so it speaks to your Microsoft Outlook, Google calendar, Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, Ning, Twitter, iphone & ical, and now as a beta with the venerable Lotus Notes.Identity management. This is no reflection on Tungle individually, but the time spent logging in and out of multiple applications can easily eat the time saved using them.

Identity - your great raft of usernames and passwords for different applications - are the bridge toll traffic jam of productivity. For a group of collaborators, if some users have access to a system or groups within a system but others don’t the time suck of getting everyone organized can be enormously costly.:courtesy:zdnet:

Yamaha YSP-4000 Digital Sound Projector Review

Single-speaker surround system with 40 1.5-inch "beam" drivers and two 4.25-inch woofers; built-in digital amplifiers, Dolby Digital, DTS, Neural, and proprietary surround processing; eliminates the need for an AV receiver; HDMI connectivity with analog video upscaling to 1080i; XM satellite radio-ready and FM tuner; autosetup with the supplied microphone.

Expensive, lacks the dynamic muscle of an equivalently priced 5.1 channel system; no Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD decoding; no S-Video inputs or outputs; setting up multiple sources is likely to confuse and frustrate most users; most listeners will want to invest in a subwoofer for additional bass.:courtesy:zdnet:

LinkedIn IPO

LinkedIn have come on in leaps and bounds in 2009 and still have 76 million in D round VC money sitting untouched in the bank during a year where the ‘Clue Train Manifesto’ conversation got increasingly cannibalized to justify word of mouth marketing exploitation of social networks.

There’s a clear path to an IPO for LinkedIn to compete and grow on this world stage. Facebook meanwhile appears to be struggling to change your user rules in order to allow commercial exploitation of your personal content and interests as part of their business model, while profiting from time wasting games and gimmicks developers for the rest.:courtesy:zdnet:

T-Mobile Touch pro2

T-Mobile customers with the Touch Pro2 and Dash 3G. Simply visit the T-Mobile downloads page and enter your Touch Pro2/Dash 3G IMEI number to get the download. I believe this is a version of the first WM 6.5 update and not the MUCH better Windows Mobile 6.5.3 update I showed you this week. I already have a version of 6.5.3 on my Touch Pro2 (thanks to XDA-Developers) so I am not planning to install this update.

T-Mobile has always been good about providing official updates for their Windows Mobile offerings so it is great to see this one available now. T-Mobile owners should see better stability, a better Internet Explorer Mobile experience, and more. Dash 3G owners will not see much different visually since the sliding panels/Today interface has been on WM Standard devices for a while.:courtesy:zdnet:

Google Nexus Problems and Complaints

Google is flooded with complaints relating to its first branded smartphone Google Nexus One. Google sold around 20,000 units of Nexus One phone in its first week, the sales figure is well behind that of competing smartphones. Poor 3G connectivity seems to be one big sore issue among Nexus One users. According to reports, Nexus One switches back and forth between EDGE and 3G service even when strong 3G signals are available. A user wrote on a customer forum, "Don't have a "comparison" phone next to it, but I can confirm that the 3G signal falls in and out almost constantly. It moves between 3G and EDGE probably every minute."

TMobile and HTC have not been able to help." Google reportedly appears to be only accepting e-mail customer queries, to which it pledges to reply in one to two days. On the forums, Google promises an e-mail response within 48 hours, but offers no telephone service. Problems in using the phone's touchscreen and difficulty in returning back to the home screen. Google Nexus One features a 3.7-inch (9.4 centimeter) AMOLED touchscreen display.

Users are also reportedly facing issues with the battery life of Nexus One phones. The mobile phone's battery seem to be shortlived, with many complaining that it runs out of power in a day even with minimal use. According to Google, Nexus One offers talktime of upto 10 hours on 2G, upto 7 hours on 3G. Standby time is upto 290 hours on 2G up to 250 hours on 3G. The phone offers video playback of upto 7 hours and audio playback of upto 20 hours.
The termination fees levied by both Google and T-Mobile adds up to a whopping $550 for customers who cancel their contract. Google charges a $350 for "equipment recovery fee" for cancellations done in the first 120 days. T-Mobile charges Nexus One customers $200 for canceling at any time in the first eighteen months of their 2-year contract. The phone costs $179 ($240) with a two-year T-Mobile contract and $529 without it.:source:infotech:IT:

Virgin Media unveils Piracy detection software

Virgin’s plans have angered privacy advocates, who claim it is only a matter of time before the company is routinely fingering its own customers. Virgin Media is trying out new technology that can automatically detect if a customer’s broadband connection is being used to download copyrighted files illegally. Virgin and Detica insist that DPI is — for now — being used only to measure the level of illegal filesharing, not to snoop on customers. Indeed, they say the key piece of information — the IP address — is ignored in the process.

Virgin, which has more than 4m UK broadband customers, offers the fastest connection speeds in Britain and is consequently a popular ISP for filesharers. Hit films such as Pirates of the Caribbean can be downloaded by Virgin users in minutes. For the anti-piracy lobby, the verdict has been a serious setback, not least because it suggests the law hasn’t kept up with technology that allows the copying and transfer of copyrighted material.:source:TO

BlackBerry Applications for Lotus Quickr, Connections

Research In Motion on Monday rolled out two new apps for IBM's Lotus Quickr and Connections software. The applications, which are available through enterprises and resellers, are designed to enhance collaboration in the workplace. BlackBerry's application for IBM Lotus Quickr is designed to make accessing libraries, folders and enterprise content easier to download. The Quickr application is integrated with BlackBerry email:source:zdnet:

McAfee online backup service

McAfee on Thursday announced the availability of its McAfee Online Backup, an online backup service that automatically uploads data from a computer's hard drive to a remote server via the internet. While online backup services are nothing new and have been available for a long time from many providers, such as Carbonite, Memeo or Cuku, the main difference with the new McAfee Online Backup service is that it is one of the few offering unlimited storage space. For a fixed annual fee of $60 (£40), users can back up as much data as they want. This could possibly the best deal around for online backup, especially for anyone with a lot of important data and a high-speed internet connection.:source:zdnet:

Sony X-Series laptop review

No surprise that such a stylish machine would come from Sony’s stable – the company has a history of making great-looking computers which few other manufacturers can match. So it’s certainly a laptop that will look great in your CEO’s possession, as it’s casually plonked onto to the boardroom table or the desk in the First Class lounge. It’s spectacularly slim and in certain configurations qualifies for shouting out that it’s the World’s Lightest Laptop from behind its demure gloss-black casing. But does it do the business? Pretty much, yes. The 11.1-inch screen is bright and pin-sharp with HD resolution despite its modest size. The keyboard is expertly spaced so that it’s easy to type on even for longer documents. Small laptops traditionally have poor mouse pads, but the one here is highly usable. Onboard memory is not outstanding at 2GB, but nippy enough to work well and at speed, even when multitasking. The hard drive (choose from 128GB or 256GB capacities) is also fast and responsive as it’s the light flash memory kind. And if you’re not in a wireless hotspot, the sim card slot hidden under the battery means you can connect through the 3G phone network,

Oxford University ban on Spotify students

Oxford University students have been barred from using Spotify, the popular music streaming service. Spotify only launched in October 2008 and until now had managed to escape the university's ban on so-called peer-to-peer sharing networks. These networks allow connected computers to share data - such as music or films - quickly and easily. But they consume significantly more bandwidth than traditional downloads in which computers receive data from a central source. Oxford University Computing Services (OCUS) added Spotify to its proscribed list of services last week, to the outrage of students who had come to rely on its vast, free archive of tracks. The ban covers computers on the university internet connection in halls of residence as well as those in communal buildings like libraries and study centres. It does not affect students in private houses, or those who have paid for their own mobile internet connections. Spotify attracted more than two million users in Britain within a year of launching. Users can either listen to music for free, with advert breaks between every few songs, or pay a monthly subscription to listen without adverts.

Experts have warned that bandwidth-hungry services such as the iPlayer, YouTube and Spotify could lead to slower and more unreliable connections in future unless there is necessary investment in new high-speed

Domain Name extension and Cyber crime

The introduction of internet addresses in non-Roman scripts could offer fresh opportunities to cyber-criminals, experts have warned. Next year the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann) will for the first time accept internet domain names in non-Roman scripts. The domain name is the part of a web address that precedes the “dot”, such as timesonline. The new internationalised domain names will open up the internet as never before to users whose native language does not use the Roman alphabet. But Roman-reading users face a possible deluge of phishing and e-mail scams. To a Roman-reading eye, an e-mail containing a link to any one of these sites might appear genuine, while to a Russian-reading eye, “paypal”, for example, reads as “raural”. An e-mail link could thus lead to a clone site constructed by unscrupulous thieves, who could then use it to harvest personal and financial details, or to steal cash. This is known as “phishing”, and Russia is such a known global centre for organised online crime that it has been the subject of special talks between the governments of Russian and the United States. Among other scripts about to be allowed by Icann, Japanese and Chinese in particular pose problems. As both languages use a writing system that is based on images rather than sounds, companies such as Apple and Paypal face the problem of choosing whether to register a local site that sounds like the company name, or corresponds to its meaning. In other words, should Apple choose the Chinese character for “Apple”, or a combination of characters than sound like the word “Apple”?

Facebook's virus protection

Under the scheme, the social networking site’s users whose accounts are hacked will be required to cleanse their computers of viruses before they can return to the online community. More than £7.5bn worth of free software will be distributed to Facebook users in Britain, United States, Australia, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Canada, Mexico and Brazil. The global deal, which involves McAfee security software, worth £22.50, follows a rise in malicious software, or malware, targeting users. The viruses are designed to rapidly spread across the site’s global network, hijack people’s computers, before it sends out messages to all their friends encouraging them to visit websites. According to recent research, almost half of internet users do not have adequate virus protection, and more than three in four fail to regularly update anti-virus and anti-spyware programmes. Elliot Schrage, Facebook’s vice president of global communications, marketing and public policy described it as an “unprecedented step towards making the entire Internet more secure and reducing the possibility of threats being brought onto our service by unsuspecting users”
